on orders above CAD 99
on orders above CAD 99
Whether you need a handheld oscilloscope when you’re out in the field or a digital oscilloscope for your workbench, Anaum International Electronics has a solution for you. We carry handheld oscilloscopes that can be used for a range of applications including automotive and electric automobile testing, power system electricity testing, and plant automation control system testing. The compact size allows the device to be easily carried from task to task and also includes a convenient built-in stand for propping up the device when you’re working. For a more powerful option, we carry the Digital oscilloscopes. These come in 2 or 4 channel options with bandwidth ratings of 50MHz-1GHz. See below for information on choosing the appropriate oscilloscope.
Selecting Digital Oscilloscope: There are three important specifications to consider when choosing an oscilloscope: bandwidth, sample rate, and memory depth. You'll need the right bandwidth to capture the higher frequency elements of the signal; a faster sampling rate will improve the detail and resolution of the waveform, and a long record length (memory depth) allows a longer time window to be captured with higher resolution.